

8 Years

82 lbs (overweight)

Fostered in SE Michigan

Fenced yard desirable

Here’s the oldie but the goodie you’ve been waiting for!  For those of you interested in a more mature Collie, meet Brax.  He was surrendered by his original owners after they could no longer care for him.  Brax is still an active playful boy.  He loves playing fetch inside or outside and will bring a toy for you to throw.

Brax also really enjoys walking and does very well on a leash.  He loves to be scratched on his back and is beginning to trust his foster family enough now to allow belly rubs. Brax has good house manners.  He does not jump, chew or counter surf.  He is perfectly reliable left loose in the house and sleeps soundly all night.

Riding in a car is no problem.  Brax gets along well with other dogs.  He was also raised with a cat and a small child.  Brax is quiet when taking walks or exploring the backyard.  However, he can be quite vocal inside when he is not part of the action or wants food.  This is a good time to do some training, play or take a walk. He also can be told to lie down in order for him to settle. His foster family is working on this with him.

Most of all, Brax wants to be near his people. Brax would do well in a home with other dogs or as a single companion dog.  Come meet this friendly guy who just wants to be loved!

We are not accepting applications at this time for this particular dog. You can submit an application if you are interested in being matched with another current or future dog.

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