

2 Years

60 lbs 

Fostered in Southern WI
Fenced yard required

Ryder is a sweet and sensitive 2-year-old dog that has a lot of distrust in humans. He will need a patient and experienced adopter to help him learn that humans are good. He’s very cautious and a bit nervous when meeting new people but will let you pet him eventually, especially when treats are involved and he’s established his trust in you.

This young boy is food motivated. His foster home has already started some training and taught him “watch me” (which helps build trust and a bond) and “touch” (which builds confidence). But mostly, the foster has been working on getting Ryder comfortable with human interaction and building trust. He is very eager to learn!

Ryder loves other dogs!  He initiates play by jumping and bouncing around in circles with another dog or in front of a toy. It’s fun to watch! When he’s with other dogs, he is playful, carefree, and full of life! He needs a younger dog, or dogs, with similar energy to play, chase and interact with. Another canine companion could be his best friend and could show him the ropes. Since he’s somewhat nervous about unexpected, loud noises, a fenced yard is required to keep him safe and to let him run and play freely. A quiet home without a lot of chaos would be best for this sensitive boy.

Ryder will be getting his eyes checked before the adoption. We believe he might be somewhat vision impaired, but it’s not super noticeable and he doesn’t let that stop him from trying to figure out the world! He is very curious and likes to investigate things or watch everything going on around him.

Ryder is a truly beautiful dog with a gentle soul. He is a young lad and just needs someone patient and loving to take a chance on him and to give him the home he deserves.

We are not accepting applications at this time for this particular dog. You can submit an application if you are interested in being matched with another current or future dog.

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