
Adoption Pending

11 Months

55 lbs 

Fostered in SW Missouri
Fenced yard required

Clyde is a happy, playful, energetic 11-month-old collie who loves roughhousing with the young resident collie. He is sensitive, smart, and eager to please, and he likes being around his people. 

Clyde loves his foster mom and dad and is always excited to see them. Whether they’re away from home for two minutes or for two hours, he squeals and jumps with happiness when they return. Clyde loves pets and butt scratches and will even show his appreciation by giving you collie kisses. 

Clyde enjoys meeting new people on walks and when they come to the house, but he can be over enthusiastic with his greeting and needs to learn not to jump on them. He is a bit unsure when in new noisy surroundings and gets startled when he hears a sudden unexpected noise. However, he adjusts to the noises eventually. Clyde knows sit, down and does well leash walking. He would benefit from formal obedience classes to help him with his manners and with confidence building. Clyde does not have good recall and gets easily distracted. He needs a home with a fenced yard to keep him safe and an active, understanding family to help him shine. Having an energetic canine companion to play with would be a plus for Clyde. 

This sweet goofball is seeking a forever home where he can be cherished and loved. Could yours be the one?

We are not accepting applications at this time for this particular dog. You can submit an application if you are interested in being matched with another current or future dog.

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